From the heart of every atom
I hear, “the Friend, the Friend.”
So don’t even see the atom,
for there is really nothing but Him.
The song of reason and love
comes from a single Reed Player’s breath;
while intellect is engaged in discussion and debate,
love creates commotion.
It is the Beloved Himself who is searching
and seeking in love’s marketplace,
while the poor lover has become
disgraced in the town.
I asked the master,
“If the path of Truth is but one,
why then all these embellishments?”
“Merely for color and scent,” he said.
If you wish to behold His face
seek an eye capable of seeing God,
for fickle desire is a vagabond,
wandering every moment to a different door.
The ocean’s outward manifestations
are called bubble and wave,
yet in reality it is all water,
whether droplet, stream or sea.
The Beloved is the Bestower of light;
ask Him to lend you sight
so you may see clearly
His splendor displayed everywhere.