You are that being in whom the entire world can be seen;
You are that generosity from which all of existence became manifest.
I am that wave that reaches out to grab Your hem.
You are that ocean in which waves are flowing.
I am that ruined drunkard who is beside himself.
You are that wine that is the object of people’s imagination.
I am that mystery that was revealed and became disgraced.
You are that hidden secret in which the world is contained.
I am that word in which meaning cannot be found.
You are that name in which all names and traces are contained.
I am that wandering, whirling atom.
You are that attraction by which this transient world came to exist.
I am that agitated soul that found no rest from self.
You are the very essence of contentment in which all refuge is found.
I am that fable that entertains children.
You are that dot in which a hundred tales are hidden.
I am that one who in this world’s sleep is but a dream.
You are that place where all of these “I’s” and “we’s” continually lament.