What have I done to make you leave?
Tell me.
Did you hear offensive words from me?
Tell me.
You turned me into an idol for yourself.
That was futile.
Did you experience unfriendliness from me?
Tell me.
You were a disciple of the master created by
your own mind;
when you didn’t find this idol in me, you went away.
Isn’t that so?
You had come here to increase your
you didn’t buy from me the wares of nothingness.
Isn’t that so?
You thought your sense of “I” and “we”
would get a boost here;
then you found out that your venture was hopeless.
Isn’t that so?
Your carnal self demanded that you should become
a shaikh of the path,
but you did not achieve your ego’s objective.
Isn’t that so?
The bird of your heart was pursuing
selfish desires;
that’s why you flew away from Nurbakhsh’s sanctuary.
Isn’t that so?