The face of God,
He, of grandeur:
La elaha ella’Llah
Remembrance at every moment,
with every breath:
La elaha ella’Llah
No one but He can enter into the sanctuary of
His essence, source of His attributes:
La elaha ella’Llah
He is in all that appears; He enraptures all realms;
He is the king of the world of being:
La elaha ella’Llah
Across all the levels of being, He provides drunkenness and wine;
He is the heart and the heart’s beloved:
La elaha ella’Llah
His essence is manifested in all beings;
He is the light of the sun and the essence of the moon:
La elaha ella’Llah
Creatures in the realm of possibility have come to existence
through His generosity and the breath of His being:
La elaha ella’Llah
He parades His beauty everywhere in a scandalous guise;
His name is upon all lips:
La elaha ella’Llah
He knows His own magnificence
and the boundlessness of His essence:
La elaha ella’Llah
Lovers are drunk from Him;
mystics are dust at His threshold:
La elaha ella’Llah
Although well-hidden, He is the bestower of light to the soul;
He is Joseph unseen in the well:
La elaha ella’Llah