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The House of Sincerity and Purity

Come, and without thinking of “I” and “we”

          we will free each other of sorrow;

without rest we will bring peace to each other

          and care for each other.

Through love, we will make fidelity

          and compassion our watchwords;

separated from harshness and harm,

          we will be with each other.

Without conditions or complaints,

          we will sacrifice ourselves for each other;

without obligation and pretention,

          we will be lovers of each other.

We will become strangers to everyone

          and view our selves as insignificant;

we will clear away the dust of sorrow

          and become friends of each other.

We will find our home

          in the house of sincerity and purity;

without thought of name or position

          we will honor each other.

We will fly with shared wings

          to a realm beyond both time and space;

in the sky of the Truth

          we will orbit each other.

We will pour wine from the vat of love

          and fill each other’s goblet;

we will forever be the cupbearer

          and drunkard, languishing for each other.

Ah, how sweetly a loving friend

          said to Nurbakhsh:

“Come, and without thinking of ‘I’ and ‘we’

          we will free each other of sorrow.”

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